
Archive for May, 2010

Howdy friends and neighbors.  My five year old son and I stayed up late the other night watching Star Wars.  It’s hard to believe but the channel we were watching announced that this week was the thirty year anniversary of Star Wars!  Mason got into it pretty good.  I hadn’t watched any of them in a long while as well.  As he and I sat in my easy chair rooting for the “force’’ it hit me that thirty years ago, I was five!  Well, I just dated myself.  I still think Star Wars is one of the best movies.  I see and feel the effects of the episodes daily.  Every time I use a cell phone I find myself saying as the “No G” signal fades away, “the force is not strong today.”   “Come in Obi Wan Kenobi, come in, oh the force is weakening!”  Wow, thirty years of Stars Wars!

 With Memorial Day just around the corner I want to remind you to be sure and grill lots of beef this weekend and remember that Veterans made it possible for us to freely take a weekend to grill, go to the lake, do some fishing, do some sleeping, or go to a parade and celebrate our armed forces and the ones that gave it all for our way of life.  I hear now and then how bad things are today.  But if you want to think like that then remember it could be a lot worse.  It could be really bad and we could be speaking German or Japanese while being told what to celebrate and how to do it!

 Thank you past and present Veterans!  I thank you so much for the ability to freely be a long winded cowboy in western Oklahoma who can sit in an easy chair and watch Star Wars with my boy! 

 I’m Monte Tucker, and hats off to you who serve this great nation!

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Howdy friends and neighbors.  After much consideration, I have fully evaluated my risk portfolio and determined that I need to take fewer chances in life.  In doing so I have decided to quit feeding cattle in a commercial feedlot and turning stocker cattle out on wheat and grass.  I’m going to chase tornadoes instead.  I know, I know I’m such a pansy but the risk of having cattle on feed or on pasture just seemed too great and the laid back life style of a storm chaser seemed to be the easy street I was looking for!  Yep, I’m gonna sell my tractor, plows and cake feeder and invest in one of those armored cars with an anemometer on top so I can sit back, relax and cruise into 250 mph winds with softball size hail and tree stumps the size of VW bugs flying all around.  Oh, just the thought of leaving the Chicago Board of Trade, cattle slides, shrink, parts counters, post drivers and margin calls for super cell thunderstorms, dry lines and wind shear is like having my toes in the white beach sands and Jimmy Buffet’s Cheese Burgers in Paradise softly playing in the background.   Goodbye sorting gates! Hello hook echo and debris! (more…)

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Howdy friends and neighbors. I’ve got a totally organic, all natural story for you.  It seems that no matter what the ad is for nowadays, the trendy thing to do is intertwine into the mix the buzz words, “all natural,” “organic,” “eco-friendly,” and “green.” Well, here is my “all natural and organic story.” (more…)

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Howdy friends and neighbors, sometimes I struggle to come up with something to write about each week and other times it just falls into my lap.  Take this for instance, from the soon to be broke or bailed out Los Angeles Times, Al “we only have five more minutes to live before global warming caused by man dooms earth” Gore and wife Tipper just purchased a modest $9 MILLION DOLLAR villa. (more…)

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